[R-bloggers] 17 Jobs for R users from around the world (2018-04-30) (and 7 more aRticles) | |
- 17 Jobs for R users from around the world (2018-04-30)
- Microsoft R Open 3.4.4 now available
- Make a sculpture in LEGO from a photo, with R
- Z is for Z-Scores and Standardizing
- 2018-04 Extreme Makeover: R Graphics Edition
- March 2018: “Top 40” New Package Picks
- Interpretable Machine Learning with iml and mlr
- Using Shiny Dashboards for Financial Analysis
17 Jobs for R users from around the world (2018-04-30) Posted: 30 Apr 2018 01:09 PM PDT To post your R job on the next postJust visit this link and post a new R job to the R community. You can post a job for free (and there are also "featured job" options available for extra exposure). Current R jobsJob seekers: please follow the links below to learn more and apply for your R job of interest: Featured Jobs
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In R-users.com you can see all the R jobs that are currently available. R-users Resumes R-users also has a resume section which features CVs from over 300 R users. You can submit your resume (as a "job seeker") or browse the resumes for free. (you may also look at previous R jobs posts ). |
Microsoft R Open 3.4.4 now available Posted: 30 Apr 2018 11:52 AM PDT (This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers) An update to Microsoft R Open (MRO) is now available for download on Windows, Mac and Linux. This release upgrades the R language engine to version 3.4.4, which addresses some minor issues with timezone detection and some edge cases in some statistics functions. As a maintenance release, it's backwards-compatible with scripts and packages from the prior release of MRO. MRO 3.4.4 points to a fixed CRAN snapshot taken on April 1 2018, and you can see some highlights of new packages released since the prior version of MRO on the Spotlights page. As always, you can use the built-in checkpoint package to access packages from an earlier date (for reproducibility) or a later date (to access new and updated packages). Looking ahead, the next update based on R 3.5.0 has started the build and test process. Microsoft R Open 3.5.0 is scheduled for release on May 31. We hope you find Microsoft R Open useful, and if you have any comments or questions please visit the Microsoft R Open forum. You can follow the development of Microsoft R Open at the MRO Github repository. To download Microsoft R Open, simply follow the link below.
To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Revolutions. R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials on topics such as: Data science, Big Data, R jobs, visualization (ggplot2, Boxplots, maps, animation), programming (RStudio, Sweave, LaTeX, SQL, Eclipse, git, hadoop, Web Scraping) statistics (regression, PCA, time series, trading) and more... This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Make a sculpture in LEGO from a photo, with R Posted: 30 Apr 2018 08:25 AM PDT (This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers) The entrance to our office in Redmond in is adorned with this sculpture of our department logo, rendered in LEGO:
Our team, the Cloud Developer Advocates, has a logo as well, created by the multitalented Ashley Macnamara. (The mascot's name is Bit: he's a raccoon because, like developers, he's into everything.) It would be nice to have a LEGO rendition of Bit for the wall as well, but converting an image into LEGO bricks isn't easy … until now. This R script by Ryan Timpe provides everything you need render an image in LEGO. It will downscale the image to a size that meets your bricks budget, convert the colors to those available as LEGO bricks, and divide the image up into LEGO-sized pieces, ready to lay out on a flat tray. The script is super easy to use: just source a file of utility functions and then: (You can also use readJPEG to read in JPG images; I just loaded in the png package and used readPNG which works just as well.) Here's what the output looks like. (Click to see the original, for comparison.) The script also provides a shopping list of the bricks you need by color and size: this particular project will require 1842 LEGO bricks in 19 different colors to create the 48×48 image. It will even provide a series of step-by-step instructions showing how the project will look in various stages of completion:
Ryan Timple: How To: LEGO mosaics from photos using R & the tidyverse
To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Revolutions. R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials on topics such as: Data science, Big Data, R jobs, visualization (ggplot2, Boxplots, maps, animation), programming (RStudio, Sweave, LaTeX, SQL, Eclipse, git, hadoop, Web Scraping) statistics (regression, PCA, time series, trading) and more... This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Z is for Z-Scores and Standardizing Posted: 30 Apr 2018 06:09 AM PDT (This article was first published on Deeply Trivial, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)
Of course, we often will standardize variables in statistics, and the results are similar to Z-scores (though technically not the same if the mean and standard deviation aren't population values). In fact, when I demonstrated the GLM function earlier this month, I skipped a very important step when conducting an analysis with interactions. I should have standardized my continuous predictors first, which means subtracting the variable mean and dividing by the variable standard deviation, creating a new variable with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 (just like the normal distribution). Let's revisit that GLM analysis. I was predicting verdict (guilty, not guilty) with binomial regression. I did one analysis where I used a handful of attitude items and the participant's guilt rating, and a second analysis where I created interactions between each attitude item and the guilt rating. The purpose was to see if an attitude impacts the threshold – how high the guilt rating needed to be before a participant selected "guilty". When working with interactions, the individual variables are highly correlated with the interaction variables based on them, so we solve that problem, and make our analysis and output a bit cleaner, by centering our variables and using those centered values to create interactions. I'll go ahead and load my data. Also, since I know I have some missing values, which caused an error when I tried to work with predicted values and residuals yesterday, I'll also go ahead and identify that case/those cases. dissertation<-read.delim("dissertation_data.txt",header=TRUE) ## Warning: package 'psych' was built under R version 3.4.4 describe(dissertation[predictors]) ## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew dissertation<-subset(dissertation, !is.na(libertyvorder)) R has a built-in function that will do this for you: scale. The scale function has 3 main arguments – the variable or variables to be scaled, and whether you want those variables centered (subtract mean) and/or scaled (divided by standard deviation). For regression with interactions, we want to both center and scale. For instance, to center and scale the guilt rating: dissertation$guilt_c<-scale(dissertation$guilt, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) I have a set of predictors I want to do this to, so I want to apply a function across those specific columns: dissertation[46:51]<-lapply(dissertation[predictors], function(x) { Now, let's rerun that binomial regression, this time using the centered variables in the model. pred_int<-'verdict ~ obguilt.1 + reasdoubt.1 + bettertolet.1 + libertyvorder.1 + ## The results are essentially the same; the constant and slopes of the predictors variables are different but the variables that were significant before still are. So standardizing doesn't change the results, but it is generally recommended because it makes results easier to interpret, because the variables are centered around the mean. So negative numbers are below the mean, and positive numbers are above the mean. Hard to believe A to Z is over! Don't worry, I'm going to keep blogging about statistics, R, and whatever strikes my fancy. I almost kept this post going by applying the prediction work from yesterday to the binomial model, but decided that would make for a fun future post. And I'll probably sprinkle in posts in the near future on topics I didn't have room for this month or that I promised to write a future post on. Thanks for reading and hope you keep stopping by, even though April A to Z is officially over!
To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Deeply Trivial. R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials on topics such as: Data science, Big Data, R jobs, visualization (ggplot2, Boxplots, maps, animation), programming (RStudio, Sweave, LaTeX, SQL, Eclipse, git, hadoop, Web Scraping) statistics (regression, PCA, time series, trading) and more... This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
2018-04 Extreme Makeover: R Graphics Edition Posted: 29 Apr 2018 08:50 PM PDT (This article was first published on R – Stat Tech, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers) This report describes a complex R graphics customisation example using functions from the 'grid' and 'gridGraphics' packages and introduces two new functions in 'grid': deviceLoc and deviceDim. Paul Murrell
To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R – Stat Tech. R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials on topics such as: Data science, Big Data, R jobs, visualization (ggplot2, Boxplots, maps, animation), programming (RStudio, Sweave, LaTeX, SQL, Eclipse, git, hadoop, Web Scraping) statistics (regression, PCA, time series, trading) and more... This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
March 2018: “Top 40” New Package Picks Posted: 29 Apr 2018 05:00 PM PDT (This article was first published on R Views, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers) By my count, just over 200 new packages made it to CRAN and stuck during March. The trend for specialized, and sometimes downright esoteric science packages continues. I counted 40 new packages in this class. Most, but not all of these, are focused on bio-science applications. For example, the foreSIGHT package profiled below focuses on climate science. I was also pleased to see two new packages (not from RStudio) in the Data Science category, h2o4gpu and onnx, built on the reticulate package for interfacing with The following are my "Top 40" picks for March in nine categories: Computational Methods, Data, Data Science, Political Science, Science, Statistics, Time Series, Utilities and Visualizations. Computational Methodsdynprog v0.1.0: Implements a domain-specific language for specifying translating recursions into dynamic-programming algorithms. fmlogcondens v1.0.2: Implements a fast solver for the maximum likelihood estimator of the family of multivariate log-concave probability function. Includes well-known parametric densities including the normal, uniform, and exponential distributions and many more. For details, see Rathke et al. (2015). The vignette shows how to use the package. knor v0.0-5: Provides access to Datadaymetr v1.3.1: Provides programmatic interface to the Daymet climate data. The vignette shows how to use it. NOAAWeather v0.1.0: Provides functions to retrieve real-time weather data from all NOAA stations, and plot time series, boxplot, calendar heatmap, and geospatial maps to analyze trends. The vignette shows how to use the package. ppitables v0.1.2: Contains country-specific lookup data tables used as reference to determine the poverty likelihood of a household based on their PPI score (Poverty Probability Index), with documentation from Innovations for Poverty Action. usfertilizer v0.1.5: Provides county-level estimates of fertilizer, Data Sciencegreybox v0.2.0: Implements tools for model selection and combinations via information criteria based on the values of partial correlations. The vignette provides details. h2o4gpu v0.2.0: Implements an interface to H2O4GPU, a collection of iml v0.3.0: Provides interpretability methods to analyze the behavior and predictions of any machine learning model, including feature importance, partial dependence plots, [individual conditional expectation (ice plots), local models, the Shapley Value, and tree surrogate models. iTOP v1.0.1: Provides functions to infer a topology of relationships between different datasets, such as multi-omics and phenotypic data recorded on the same samples. The methodology is based on the extension of the RV coefficient, a measure of matrix correlation to partial matrix correlations and binary data. See Aben et al. (2018) for details and the vignette introduction to the package. onnx v0.0.1: Implements an interface to rcqp v0.5: Implements Corpus Query Protocol functions based on the CWB software, a collection of open-source tools for managing and querying large text corpora. The vignette provides a roadmap. Political Sciencecoalitions v0.6.2: Implements an MCMC method to calculate probabilities for a coalition majority based on survey results. See Bender and Bauer (2018). There are vignettes on Workflows, Pooling, and Diagnostics. Sciencediagmeta v0.2-0: Implements methods by Steinhauser et al. (2016) for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies with several cutpoints. NetworkExtinction v0.1.0: Provides functions to simulate the extinction of species in the food web, and analyze the cascading effects as described in Dunne et al. (2002). There is a vignette. foreSIGHT v0.9.2: Provides a tool to create hydroclimate scenarios, stress test systems, and visualize system performance in scenario-neutral climate-change impact assessments. Functions generate perturbed time series using a range of approaches, including simple scaling of observed time series (Culley et al. (2016)) and stochastic simulation of perturbed time series. (Guo et al. (2018)). The vignette offers a tutorial. PINSPlus v1.0.0: Implements Statisticschandwich v1.0.0: Provides functions to adjustment user-supplied independence loglikelihood functions using a robust sandwich estimator of the parameter covariance matrix, based on the methodology in Chandler and Bate (2007). The vignette shows how it works. ciuupi v1.0.0: Provides functions to compute a confidence interval for a specified linear combination of regression parameters in a linear regression model with iid normal errors and known variance, when there is uncertain prior information that a distinct specified linear combination of the regression parameters takes a given value. See Kabaila and Mainzer (2017) and the vignette for details. CoxPhLb v1.0.0: Provides functions to analyze right-censored, length-biased data using Cox model, including model fitting and checking, and the stationarity assumption test. The model fitting and checking methods are described in Qin and Shen (2010) and Lee, Ning, and Shen (2018). cutpointr v0.7.3: Provides functions to estimate cutpoints that optimize a specified metric in binary classification tasks and validate performance using bootstrapping. The vignette shows how to use the functions. fcr v1.0: ggdag v0.1.0: Builds on the DAGitty web tool to provide functions to tidy, analyze, and plot directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). There is an Introduction to DAGS, an Introduction to ggdag, and a vignette on Common Structures of Bias. hdme v0.1.1: Provides a function for penalized regression for generalized linear models for measurement error problems including the lasso (L1-penalization), which corrects for measurement error (Sorensen et al. (2015), and an implementation of the Generalized Matrix Uncertainty Selector (Sorensen et al. (2018). The vignette gives the details. joineRmeta v0.1.1: Extends the joint models proposed by Henderson et. al. (2000) to include multi-study, meta-analytic cases. See the vignette for details. rare v0.1.0: Implements the alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm of Yan and Bien (2018) for fitting linear models with tree-based lasso regularization. The vignette shows how to use the package. Time SeriesrMEA v1.0.0: Provides tools to read, visualize, and export bivariate motion energy time-series. Lagged synchrony between subjects can be analyzed through windowed cross-correlation. See Ramseyer & Tschacher (2011) for an application, and the README for how to use the package. tsfknn v0.1.0: Provides a function to forecast time series using nearest neighbors regression. See Martinez et al. (2017) and the vignette for details. spGARCH v0.1.4: Provides functions to analyze spatial and spatiotemporal autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity Otto, Schmid, Garthoff (2017), simulation of spatial ARCH-type processes, quasi-maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters of spARCH models, spatial autoregressive models with spARCH disturbances, diagnostic checks, and visualizations. Utilitiesbase2grob v0.0.2: Provides a function to convert a base plot function call (using expression or formula) to cranly v0.1: Provides functions to clean, organize, summarize, and visualize CRAN package database information, and also for building package directives networks (depends, imports, suggests, enhances) and collaboration networks. The vignette shows how to use the package. osrmr v0.1.28: Implements a wrapper around the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) API. See the vignette for details. fasterize v1.0.0: Provides a fast, drop-in replacement for jsr223 v0.3.1: Provides a high-level integration that makes Visualizationclustree v0.1.2: Provides functions to produce clustering tree visualizations for interrogating clusterings as resolution increases. See the vignette for details. datamaps v0.0.2: Enables users to create interactive choropleth maps with bubbles and arcs by coordinates or region name that can be used directly from the console, from funnelR v0.1.0: Provides functions for creating funnel plots for proportion data, and supports user-defined benchmarks, confidence limits, and estimation methods (e.g., exact or approximate) based on Spiegelhalter (2005). See the Introduction to get started. nVennR v0.2.0: Provides an interface for the nVenn algorithm of Perez-Silva et al. (2018). See the vignette for an introduction to the package, and the R package smovie v1.0.1: Uses the rpanel package to create interactive movies to help students understand statistical concepts. There are movies to: visualize probability distributions (including user-supplied ones); illustrate sampling distributions of the sample mean (central limit theorem); the sample maximum (extremal types theorem); and more. See the vignette for an overview.
To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R Views. R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials on topics such as: Data science, Big Data, R jobs, visualization (ggplot2, Boxplots, maps, animation), programming (RStudio, Sweave, LaTeX, SQL, Eclipse, git, hadoop, Web Scraping) statistics (regression, PCA, time series, trading) and more... This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Interpretable Machine Learning with iml and mlr Posted: 29 Apr 2018 05:00 PM PDT (This article was first published on mlr-org, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers) Machine learning models repeatedly outperform interpretable, parametric models like the linear regression model. Fortunately, there are many methods that can make machine learning models interpretable.
This blog post shows you how to use the If you want to learn more about the technical details of all the methods, read the Interpretable Machine Learning book. Let's explore the Data: Boston HousingWe'll use the Fitting the machine learning modelFirst we train a randomForest to predict the Boston median housing value: Using the iml Predictor containerWe create a Feature importanceWe can measure how important each feature was for the predictions with Once we created a new object of Partial dependenceBesides learning which features were important, we are interested in how the features influence the predicted outcome. The If we want to compute the partial dependence curves for another feature, we can simply reset the feature. Surrogate modelAnother way to make the models more interpretable is to replace the black box with a simpler model – a decision tree. We take the predictions of the black box model (in our case the random forest) and train a decision tree on the original features and the predicted outcome. We can use the tree to make predictions: Explain single predictions with a local modelGlobal surrogate model can improve the understanding of the global model behaviour. Explain single predictions with game theoryAn alternative for explaining individual predictions is a method from coalitional game theory named Shapley value. We can reuse the object to explain other data points: The results in data.frame form can be extracted like this: The
To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: mlr-org. R-bloggers.com offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials on topics such as: Data science, Big Data, R jobs, visualization (ggplot2, Boxplots, maps, animation), programming (RStudio, Sweave, LaTeX, SQL, Eclipse, git, hadoop, Web Scraping) statistics (regression, PCA, time series, trading) and more... This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Using Shiny Dashboards for Financial Analysis Posted: 29 Apr 2018 04:54 PM PDT (This article was first published on R-posts.com, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers) For some time now, I have been trading traditional assets—mostly U.S. equities. About a year ago, I jumped into the cryptocurrency markets to try my hand there as well. In my time in investor Telegram chats and subreddits, I often saw people arguing over which investments had performed better over time, but the reality was that most such statements were anecdotal, and thus unfalsifiable. Given the paucity of cryptocurrency data available in an easily accessible format, it was quite difficult to say for certain that a particular investment was a good one relative to some alternative, unless you were very familiar with a handful of APIs. Even then, assuming you knew how to get daily OHLC data for a crypto-asset like Bitcoin, in order to compare it to some other asset—say Amazon stock—you would have to eyeball trends from a website like Yahoo finance or scrape that data separately and build your own visualizations and metrics. In short, historical asset performance comparisons in the crypto space were difficult to conduct for all but the most technically savvy individuals, so I set out to build a tool that would remedy this, and the Financial Asset Comparison Tool was born. In this post, I aim to describe a few key components of the dashboard, and also call out lessons learned from the process of iterating on the tool along the way. Prior to proceeding, I highly recommend that you read the app's README and take a look at the UI and code base itself, as this will provide the context necessary to understanding the rest of the commentary below. I'll start by delving into a few principles that I find to be to key when designing analytic dashboards, drawing on the asset comparison dashboard as my exemplar, and will end with some discussion of the relative utility of a few packages integral to the app. Overall, my goal is not to focus on the tool that I built alone, but to highlight a few main best practices when it comes to building dashboards for any analysis.
Build the app around the story, not the other way around.
Before ever writing a single line of code for an analytic app, I find that it is absolutely imperative to have a clear vision of the story that the tool must tell. I do not mean by this that you should already have conclusions about your data that you will then force the app into telling, but rather, that you must know how you want your user to interact with the app in order glean useful information. In the case of my asset comparison tool, I wanted to serve multiple audiences—everyone from a casual trader who just wanted to see which investment produced the greatest net profit over a period of time, to a more experience trader, who had more nuanced questions about risk-adjusted return on investment given varying discount rates. The trick is thus building the app in such a way that serves all possible audiences without hindering any one type of user in particular. The way I designed my app to meet this need was to build the UI such that as you descend the various sections vertically, the metrics displayed scale in complexity. My reasoning for this becomes apparent when you consider the two extremes in terms of users—the most basic vs. the most advanced trader. The most basic user will care only about the assets of interest, the time period they want to examine, and how their initial investment performed over time. As such, they will start with the sidebar, input their assets and time frame of choice, and then use the top right-most input box to modulate their initial investment amount (although some may choose to stick with the default value here). They will then see the first chart change to reflect their choices, and they will see, both visually, and via the summary table below, which asset performed better. The experienced trader, on the other hand, will start off exactly as the novice did, by choosing assets of interest, a time frame of reference, and an initial investment amount. They may then choose to modulate the LOESS parameters as they see fit, descending the page, looking over the simple returns section, perhaps stopping to make changes to the corresponding inputs there, and finally ending at the bottom of the page—at the Sharpe Ratio visualizations. Here they will likely spend more time—playing around with the time period over which to measure returns and changing the risk-free rate to align with their own personal macroeconomic assumptions. The point of these two examples is to illustrate that the app by dint of its structure alone guides the user through the analytic story in a waterfall-like manner—building from simple portfolio performance, to relative performance, to the most complicated metrics for risk-adjusted returns. This keeps the novice trader from being overwhelmed or confused, and also allows the most experienced user to follow the same line of thought that they would anyway when comparing assets, while following a logical progression of complexity, as shown via the screenshot below. Once you think you have a structure that guides all users through the story you want them to experience, test it by asking yourself if the app flows in such a way that you could pose and answer a logical series of questions as you navigate the app without any gaps in cohesion. In the case of this app, the questions that the UI answers as you descend are as follows:
Thus, when you string these questions together, you can make statements of the type: "Asset X seemed to outperform Asset Y in terms of absolute profit, and this trend held true as well when it comes to simple return on investment, over varying time frames. That said, when you take into account the variance inherent to Asset X, it seems that Asset Y may have been the best choice, as the excess downside risk associated with Asset X outweighs its excess net profitability.
Too many cooks in the kitchen—the case for a functional approach to app-building.
While the design of the UI of any analytic app is of great importance, it's important to not forget that the code base itself should also be well-designed; a fully-functional app from the user's perspective can still be a terrible app to work with if the code is a jumbled, incomprehensible mess. A poorly designed code base makes QC a tiresome, aggravating process, and knowledge sharing all but impossible. For this reason, I find that sourcing a separate R script file containing all analytic functions necessitated by the app is the best way to go, as done below (you can see Functions.R at my repo here). # source the Functions.R file, where all analytic functions for the app are stored source("Functions.R") Not only does this allow for a more comprehensible and less-cluttered App.R, but it also drastically improves testability and reusability of the code. Consider the example function below, used to create the portfolio performance chart in the app (first box displayed in the UI, center middle). build_portfolio_perf_chart <- function(data, port_loess_param = 0.33){ port_tbl <- data[,c(1,4:5)] # grabbing the 2 asset names asset_name1 <- sub('_.*', '', names(port_tbl)[2]) asset_name2 <- sub('_.*', '', names(port_tbl)[3]) # transforms dates into correct type so smoothing can be done port_tbl[,1] <- as.Date(port_tbl[,1]) date_in_numeric_form <- as.numeric((port_tbl[,1])) # assigning loess smoothing parameter loess_span_parameter <- port_loess_param # now building the plotly itself port_perf_plot <- plot_ly(data = port_tbl, x = ~port_tbl[,1]) %>% # asset 1 data plotted add_markers(y =~port_tbl[,2], marker = list(color = '#FC9C01'), name = asset_name1, showlegend = FALSE) %>% add_lines(y = ~fitted(loess(port_tbl[,2] ~ date_in_numeric_form, span = loess_span_parameter)), line = list(color = '#FC9C01'), name = asset_name1, showlegend = TRUE) %>% # asset 2 data plotted add_markers(y =~port_tbl[,3], marker = list(color = '#3498DB'), name = asset_name2, showlegend = FALSE) %>% add_lines(y = ~fitted(loess(port_tbl[,3] ~ date_in_numeric_form, span = loess_span_parameter)), line = list(color = '#3498DB'), name = asset_name2, showlegend = TRUE) %>% layout( title = FALSE, xaxis = list(type = "date", title = "Date"), yaxis = list(title = "Portfolio Value ($)"), legend = list(orientation = 'h', x = 0, y = 1.15)) %>% add_annotations( x= 1, y= 1.133, xref = "paper", yref = "paper", text = "", showarrow = F ) return(port_perf_plot) } Writing this function in the sourced Functions.R file instead of directly within the App.R allows for the developer to first test the function itself with fake data—i.e. data not gleaned from the reactive inputs. Once it has been tested in this way, it can be integrated in the app.R on the server side as shown below, with very little code. output$portfolio_perf_chart <- debounce( renderPlotly({ data <- react_base_data() build_portfolio_perf_chart(data, port_loess_param = input$port_loess_param) }), millis = 2000) # sets wait time for debounce This process allows for better error-identification and troubleshooting. If, for example, you want to change the work accomplished by the analytic function in some way, you can make the changes necessary to the code, and if the app fails to produce the desired outcome, you simply restart the chain: first you test the function in a vacuum outside of the app, and if it runs fine there, then you know that you have a problem with the way the reactive inputs are integrating with the function itself. This is a huge time saver when debugging. Lastly, this allows for ease of reproducibility and hand-offs. If, say, one of your functions simply takes in a dataset and produces a chart of some sort, then it can be easily copied from the Functions.R and reused elsewhere. I have done this too many times to count, ripping code from project and, with a few alterations, instantly applying it in other contexts. This is easy to do if the functions are written in a manner not dependent on a particular Shiny reactive structure. For all these reasons, it makes sense in most cases to keep the code for the app UI and inputs cleanly separated from the analytic functions via a sourced R script.
Dashboard documentation—both a story and a manual, not one or the other. When building an app for a customer at work, I never simply write an email with a link in it and write "here you go!" That will result in, at best, a steep learning curve, and at worst, an app used in an unintended way, resulting in user frustration or incorrect results. I always meet with the customer, explain the purpose and functionalities of the tool, walk through the app live, take feedback, and integrate any key takeaways into further iterations. Even if you are just planning on writing some code to put up on GitHub, you should still consider all of these steps when working on the documentation for your app. In most cases, the README is the epicenter of your documentation—the README is your meeting with the customer. As you saw when reading the README for the Asset Comparison Tool, I always start my READMEs with a high-level introduction to the purpose of the app—hopefully written or supplemented with visuals (as seen below) that are easy to understand and will capture the attention of browsing passers-by. After this introduction, the rest of the potential sections to include can vary greatly from app-to-app. In some cases apps are meant to answer one particular question, and might have a variety of filters or supplemental functionalities—one such example can be found here. As can be seen, in that README, I spend a great deal of time on the methodology after making the overall purpose clear, calling out additional options along the way. In the case of the README for the Asset Comparison Tool, however, the story is a bit different. Given that there are many questions that the app seeks to answer, it makes sense to answer each in turn, writing the README in such a way that its progression mirrors the logical flow of the progression intended for the app's user. One should of course not neglect to cover necessary technical information in the README as well. Anything that is not immediately clear from using the app should be clarified in the README—from calculation details to the source of your data, etc. Finally, don't neglect the iterative component! Mention how you want to interact with prospective users and collaborators in your documentation. For example, I normally call out how I would like people to use the Issues tab on GitHub to propose any changes or additions to the documentation, or the app in general. In short, your documentation must include both the story you want to tell, and a manual for your audience to follow.
Why Shiny Dashboard? One of the first things you will notice about the app.R code is that the entire thing is built using Shiny Dashboard as its skeleton. There are a two main reasons for this, which I will touch on in turn.
Shiny Dashboard provides the biggest bang for your buck in terms of how much UI complexity and customizability you get out of just a small amount of code.
I can think of few cases where any analyst or developer would prefer longer, more verbose code to a shorter, succinct solution. That said, Shiny Dashboard's simplicity when it comes to UI manipulation and customization is not just helpful because it saves you time as a coder, but because it is intuitive from the perspective of your audience. Most of the folks that use the tools I have built to shed insight into economic questions don't know how to code in R or Python, but they can, with a little help from extensive commenting and detailed documentation, understand the broad structure of an app coded in Shiny Dashboard format. This is, I believe, largely a function of two features of Shiny Dashboard: the colloquial-English-like syntax of the code for UI elements, and the lack of the necessity for in-line or external CSS. As you can see from the example below, Shiny Dashboard's system of "boxes" for UI building is easy to follow. Users can see a box in the app and easily tie that back to a particular box in the UI code. Here is the box as visible to the user: And here is the code that produces the box: box( title = "Portfolio Performance Inputs", status= "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, h5("This box focuses on portfolio value, i.e., how much an initial investment of the amount specified below (in USD) would be worth over time, given price fluctuations."), textInput( inputId = "initial_investment", label = "Enter your initial investment amount ($):", value = "1000"), hr(), h5("The slider below modifies the", a(href = "https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/2002/how-do-i-decide-what-span-to-use-in-loess-regression-in-r", "smoothing parameter"), "used in the", a(href = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_regression", "LOESS function"), "that produces the lines on the scatterplot."), sliderInput( inputId = "port_loess_param", label = "Smoothing parameter for portfolio chart:", min = 0.1, max = 2, value = .33, step = 0.01, animate = FALSE ), hr(), h5("The table below provides metrics by which we can compare the portfolios. For each column, the asset that performed best by that metric is colored green."), height = 500, width = 4 ) Secondly, and somewhat related to the first point, with Shiny Dashboard, much of the coloring and overall UI design comes pre-made via dashboard-wide "skins", and box-specific "statuses." This is great if you are okay sacrificing a bit of control for a significant reduction in code complexity. In my experience dealing with non-coding-proficient audiences, I find that in-line CSS or complicated external CSS makes folks far more uncomfortable with the code in general. Anything you can do to reduce this anxiety and make those using your tools feel as though they understand them better is a good thing, and Shiny Dashboard makes that easier.
Shiny Dashboard's combination of sidebar and boxes makes for easy and efficient data processing when your app has a waterfall-like analytic structure. Having written versions of this app both in base Shiny and using Shiny Dashboard, the number one reason I chose Shiny Dashboard was the fact that the analytic questions I sought to solve followed a waterfall-like structure, as explained in the previous section. This works perfectly well with Shiny Dashboard's combination of sidebar input controls and inputs within UI boxes themselves. The inputs of primordial importance to all users are included in the sidebar UI: the two assets to analyze, and the date range over which to compare their performance. These are the only inputs that all users, regardless of experience or intent, must absolutely use, and when they are changed, all views in the dashboard will be affected. All other inputs are stored in the UI Boxes adjacent to the views that they modulate. This makes for a much more intuitive and fluid user experience, as once the initial sidebar inputs have been modulated, the sidebar can be hidden, as all other non-hidden inputs affect only the visualizations to which they are adjacent. This waterfall-like structure also makes for more efficient reactive processes on the Shiny back-end. The inputs on the sidebar are parameters that, when changed, force the main reactive function that creates that primary dataset to fire, thus recreating the base dataset (as can be seen in the code for that base datasets creation below). # utility functions to be used within the server; this enables us to use a textinput for our portfolio values exists_as_number <- function(item) { !is.null(item) && !is.na(item) && is.numeric(item) } # data-creation reactives (i.e. everything that doesn't directly feed an output) # first is the main data pull which will fire whenever the primary inputs (asset_1a, asset_2a, initial_investment, or port_dates1a change) react_base_data <- reactive({ if (exists_as_number(as.numeric(input$initial_investment)) == TRUE) { # creates the dataset to feed the viz return( get_pair_data( asset_1 = input$asset_1a, asset_2 = input$asset_2a, port_start_date = input$port_dates1a[1], port_end_date = input$port_dates1a[2], initial_investment = (as.numeric(input$initial_investment)) ) ) } else { return( get_pair_data( asset_1 = input$asset_1a, asset_2 = input$asset_2a, port_start_date = input$port_dates1a[1], port_end_date = input$port_dates1a[2], initial_investment = (0) ) ) } }) Each of the visualizations are then produced via their own separate reactive functions, each of which takes as an input the main reactive (as shown below). This makes it so that whenever the sidebar inputs are changed, all reactives fire and all visualizations are updated; however, if all that is changed is a single loess smoothing parameter input, only the reactive used in the creation of that particular parameter-dependent visualization fires, which makes for great computational efficiency. # Now the reactives for the actual visualizations output$portfolio_perf_chart <- debounce( renderPlotly({ data <- react_base_data() build_portfolio_perf_chart(data, port_loess_param = input$port_loess_param) }), millis = 2000) # sets wait time for debounce
Why Plotly?
Plotly vs. ggplot is always a fun subject for discussion among folks who build visualizations in R. Sometimes I feel like such discussions just devolve into the same type of argument as R vs. Python for data science (my answer to this question being just pick one and learn it well), but over time I have found that there are actually some circumstances where the plotly vs. ggplot debate can yield cleaner answers. In particular, I have found in working on this particular type of analytic app that there are two areas where plotly has a bit of an advantage: clickable interactivity, and wide data. Those familiar with ggplot will know that every good ggplot begins with long data. It is possible, via some functions, to transform wide data into a long format, but that transformation can sometimes be problematic. While there are essentially no circumstances in which it is impossible to transform wide data into long format, there are a handful of cases where it is excessively cumbersome: namely, when dealing with indexed xts objects (as shown below) or time series / OHLC-styled data. In these cases—either due to the sometimes-awkward way in which you have to handle rowname indexes in xts, or the time and code complexity saved by not having to transform every dataset into long format—plotly offers efficiency gains relative to ggplot. The aforementioned efficiency gains are a reason to choose plotly in some cases because it makes the life of the coder easier, but there are also reasons why it sometimes make the life of the user easier as well. If one of the primary utilities of a visualization is to allow the user the ability to seamlessly and intuitively zoom in on, select, or filter the data displayed, particularly in the context of a Shiny App, then plotly should be strongly considered. Sure, ggplotly wrappers can be used to make a ggplot interactive, but with an added layer of abstraction comes an added layer of possible errors. While in most cases a ggplotly wrapper should work seamlessly, I have found that, particularly in cases where auto-sizing and margin size specification is key, ggplotly can require a great deal of added code in order to work correctly in a Shiny context. In summary, when considering when to start with plotly vs. when to start with ggplot, I find one question to be particularly helpful: what do I value most—visual complexity and/or customization, or interactive versatility and/or preserving wide data? If I choose the former, then ggplot is what I need; otherwise, I go with plotly. More often than not I find that ggplot emerges victorious, but even if you disagree with me in my decision-making calculus, I think it is helpful to at least think through what your personal calculus is. This will save you time when coding, as instead of playing around with various types of viz, you can simply pose the question(s) behind your calculus and know quickly what solution best fits your problem.
Why Formattable?
The one downside that I have encountered in dealing with formattable code is the amount of code necessary to generate even moderately complicated tables. That said, this problem is easily remedied via a quick function that we can use to kill most of the duplicative coding, as seen in the example below. First, here is the long form version: react_formattable <- reactive({ return( formattable(react_port_summary_table(), list( "Asset Portfolio Max Worth" = formatter("span", style = x ~ style( display = "inline-block", direction = "rtl", "border-radius" = "4px", "padding-right" = "2px", "background-color" = csscolor("darkslategray"), width = percent(proportion(x)), color = csscolor(gradient(x, "red", "green")) )), "Asset Portfolio Latest Worth" = formatter("span", style = x ~ style( display = "inline-block", direction = "rtl", "border-radius" = "4px", "padding-right" = "2px", "background-color" = csscolor("darkslategray"), width = percent(proportion(x)), color = csscolor(gradient(x, "red", "green")) )), "Asset Portfolio Absolute Profit" = formatter("span", style = x ~ style( display = "inline-block", direction = "rtl", "border-radius" = "4px", "padding-right" = "2px", "background-color" = csscolor("darkslategray"), width = percent(proportion(x)), color = csscolor(gradient(x, "red", "green")) )), "Asset Portfolio Rate of Return" = formatter("span", style = x ~ style( display = "inline-block", direction = "rtl", "border-radius" = "4px", "padding-right" = "2px", "background-color" = csscolor("darkslategray"), width = percent(proportion(x)), color = csscolor(gradient(x, "red", "green")) )) ) ) ) }) This code can easily be shortened via the integration of a custom function, as shown below. simple_formatter <- function(){ formatter("span", style = x ~ style( display = "inline-block", direction = "rtl", "border-radius" = "4px", "padding-right" = "2px", "background-color" = csscolor("darkslategray"), width = percent(proportion(x)), color = csscolor(gradient(x, "red", "green")) )) } react_formattable <- reactive({ return( formattable(react_port_summary_table(), list( "Asset Portfolio Max Worth" = simple_formatter(), "Asset Portfolio Latest Worth" = simple_formatter(), "Asset Portfolio Absolute Profit" = simple_formatter(), "Asset Portfolio Rate of Return" = simple_formatter() ) ) ) }) As can be seen, formattable allows for a great deal of added complexity in crafting your table—complexity that may not be suited for all apps. That said, if you do want to quickly draw a user's attention to something in a table, formattable is a great solution, and most of the details of the code can be greatly simplified via a function, as shown.
Conclusions: That was a lot—I know—but I hope that from this commentary and my exemplar of the Asset Comparison Tool more generally has helped to inform your understanding of how dashboards can serve as a helpful analytic tool. Furthermore, I hope to have prompted some thoughts as to the best practices to be followed when building such a tool. I'll end with a quick tl;dr:
Thanks for reading!
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